Sometime in 2018 I got bored in an interminable series of meetings and started doodling Batman in my notebook. Truth is, this is the first thing I’ve done with every piece of drawing technology that has been handed to me since 1989. I found myself doing it more and more, and eventually, I started posting them online. Before I knew it, I had drawn Batman for 200 straight days and was fielding offers to draw comic books for the first time since I gave it up in college.
Sadly, being semi-internet-famous wasn’t as fun as it sounds and mostly resulted in people begging me to do free work every day for months. It also became the only thing any of my friends and family wanted to talk about when we hung out, and it really started to stress me out that my drawings weren’t improving as quickly as I wanted, and were taking longer and longer…so I stopped.
In 2021 I started up again because I was excited about the upcoming Matt Reeves film, The Batman. For the 100 days leading up to the movie, I did a Batman a Day and stopped on the day the film was released.
This site used to house blog posts about the 300 Batman drawings I did as part of A Batman a Day, but in retrospect, I don’t like many of them. Below is a gallery of 20 drawings that I like the most from that project.